Wednesday 7 June 2017

Smash and Grab at Timaru Police Station (45)

Smash and Grab at Timaru Police Station (45)

How come the Police in Timaru
After a month but never two
Smash cell phones brought in as lost
No matter what the cellphone cost
What crazy protocol is this?
Who strikes the fatal blow that is!
A station hammer quick and fast
For them no need to feel aghast

Maybe it is the counter-staff that strike the fatal blow
What evidence do they retain I would so like to know
That what is fair to vandalise is not sold on the cheap
As cell phones handed in are seen as just too hot to keep

My poor grand-daughter shed a tear
When her Samsung failed to appear
A hammer blow I do believe
At Timaru lost property
The police claim innocence of course
They would prefer not to use force
But four weeks is quite long enough
For children who misplace their stuff

Perhaps it is the counter-staff that strike the fatal blow
What evidence do they retain I would so like to know
That what is fair to vandalise is not sold on the cheap
As cell phones handed in are seen as just too hot to keep

But wait a minute, it’s three months
Before they auction-off lost stuff
Three months before the crucial day
That our lost stuff is sent away
But only four weeks for a cell
Before they smash it anyhow
How odd to crush a phone to death
Such violence takes away my breath

Perhaps it is the counter-staff that strike the fatal blow
What evidence do they retain I would so like to know
That what is fair to vandalise is not sold on the cheap
As cell phones handed in are seen as just too hot to keep

My grand-daughter is young and shy
Four weeks to her soon passes bye
She left it just a week too late
Before her phone met such a fate
Lost property, what can they say?
Do they get high on hammer day?
Where did they learn to vandalise
The cell phones that they despise

Perhaps it is the counter-staff that strike the fatal blow
What evidence do they retain I would so like to know
That what is fair to vandalise is not sold on the cheap
As cell phones handed in are seen as just too hot to keep

The End

© Frankie Espirit

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